Saturday, March 10, 2007


It's hard to believe that last week we had a dump of more than a foot of snow and now we're heading into the 40's and 50's. That, along with the daylight savings time shift tonight and the vernal equinox less than 2 weeks away means spring is really coming!

My compter went into hibernation...actually worse, the hard drive crashed and I've been 'making do' with various computers while bringing mine back to life...a slow process. The worst part of the whole thing was the discovery that the new website I'd been working on for the last couple months wasn't backed up!! Oh, will be re-built even better...only much later!

Spring season is starting...I was out with clients yesterday slopping through muck and mud...a true sign of spring. We also had multiple offers on a new listing this week...another sign that spring is on the way.

If you're thinking about buying, it's time to spring into action. Don't neglect getting pre-approved before seriously looking, you never know when you're going to find the home you want to buy! Case in reviewing the offers this week the buyer that was chosen was already financially underwriting approved, just waiting for a property.

You've no doubt heard the news stories about mortgage horror stories and companies going out of business. This makes true pre-approval, not just 'looks good' approvals, even more important.

A reputable mortgage company and trustworthy loan officer are also vitally important. Buyers need to know they will truly be able to afford their home and won't face rising payments and/or interest rates that may force them out in the future. Sellers want to feel confident their home will not just get a signed agreement, it will actually close!

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